
Common Database

A Common Distribuited Integral Data-Network
for the Common Good.

What is that?

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Want to read a more detailed paper?   Actual Draft v2.3

Present & Future

April 2017 - Present


Open Collaborative Platform

OCP is a further reworking and development of the Open Value Accounting, a system originally developed by Mikorizal for Sensorica, it's also the organizational tool of Bank of the Commons, FreedomCoop, FairCoop and other projects sharing the same database: the Open Collaborative Platform keeps evolving as a common DB since 2017 having collected data from agents/members.
The current development of the Common Database is intended to be a refactoring of the OCP, while a direct ancestor of the Common DB conceptual idea could be considered the HoloData project, as explained in FairCoop context back in 2015, which in turns comes from a previous experience of generic software designed to manage integral cooperatives such as the Catalan Integral Cooperative.

June 2017 - PRESENT>

Actual Uses

As in FreedomCoop and Bank of the Common

July 2018 - October 2019


and Recentering

A project of this scale requires a well-coordinated team for development, research and communication, with a common philosophy, embodied within the principles of IntegralDevs project and its recent backing non-profit, based on common-good values and goals.The following points are being developed in the draft, a work in progress here:

  • Purpose, Definitions, Roadmaps, System overview and Background.
  • Overall description, Ethical business rules and Product Vision.
  • Specific requirements and system attributes: commons engineering and quality attributes, functional and database requirements.

July 2019 - PRESENT

Possible Uses

In the short term


The passion and goal is to make Common Good accessible for All.


Blockchain technology is based on a P2P model, but is data-centric and not scalable in the long term. Our model is an agent-centric distributed scalable network with dynamic settings, horizontal scalability, data resiliency and availability, where agents control their own data the way they wish, related other agents (peers) and communities. Private-by-design for private data, but Shared-by-design for common data.


WC3 vocabularies, the REA accounting model with the ValueFlows vocab, and the wip first Common Taxonomies set, will define a formal way to describe events and to define the structure of knowledge, e.g. the nouns represent classes of objects and the verbs represent relations between the objects. With a multi-tree and multi-version approach, they can represent different conceptualizations of the world and different understandings of it.


What we have in mind presents a challenge due to its intended scale and relative complexity when designing the network proposed to implement. For an agent-centric data handling HoloChain fits best, but ready-for-production distributed clouds are Chromia, nearly Storj and others. Also many other distributed DB's are ready to use open-source, to help fulfill the requirements. A p2p polyglot multi-model back-end system is under construction.

Get In Touch with us!

We're enthusiastic to connect and listen, then work together turning our ideas to a great product. Email Us.