A public/private data-sharing structure designed to improve the **common good** worldwide and restore **ethical values**. *The rise of an artificial common-inteligence distributed platform, built by the people for the people.*
### Common-centric Data Sharing A huge common public database to store all the words and knowledge in all languages, multi-version, on a **resilient, fast, scalable, opensource** and **distributed** peer-to-peer data network system. An optimal **common source** of all kind of types, verbs-actions, profiles public data, locations and resources names, units and other **common data**, suitable by any **common-good** platform or software.
### Agent-centric Data Sovereignity *Be the owner of your data, and decide who has access to what information about you*. Identified agents can: - build a profile (with public and private parts) - define trust groups of peers and - decide which parts of personal data is shared with them, with or without read access to the data. Each agent human relations will define the level of its private data resilience, availability and speed. Common good servers (supernodes) will help on that.
### Increase data Quality by design A network to store and share any kind of data, with a **quality self-regulation system** by peer reviewing, avoiding censorships and external control. Every agent choose the data they want to host, use and support in her/his nodes (devices), according to personal interests and needs. The malicious or fake data should have less network support (less data resiliency), and the useful data with quality should became popular and resilient.
### A Self-Balanced data network A core engine helps to balance the network by requesting more nodes when needed, in order to help hosting the most popular data until its availability is fast enough (enough peers replication) to respond to the current demand for that particular data. Each agent choose what data to help hosting if they can contribute with disk space and bandwidth.
### An extensible modular multi-tool App of dApps. The App provides secure and private digital identity to everyone (all economic agents), and plug-in Tools (hApps) to: - search or contribute useful information in the commons network, - join or create working teams and projects, - communicate, publish and share stuff with people, - donate, exchange, buy/sell or rent **resources or work**, and - account them all as a real common stream of economic events ([REA](https://wiki.p2pfoundation.net/Resource-Event-Agent_Model) accounting model).
### Collective Intelligence and dApps beyond Blockchain and SQL The data on this data-network would be highly **structured**, highly **semantic**, highly **atomic** (to allow maximum data recycling), and is both agent-centric and common-centric. It's **agent-centric** for the private and personal data (based on [HoloChain](https://holochain.org)), and it's **common-centric** for the common and public data (like [OCP](https://github.com/FreedomCoop/valuenetwork)), with a core design to **share and reuse all common atoms of data** as building blocks of apps and projects. Atoms such as words, types, units, locations, etc, but also code, templates, libs and all sorts of files.

*Common data for the common good!*  CommonDB website: [commondb.space](index.html) IntegralDevs goals: [integral-developing](https://gitlab.com/integraldevs/integral-developing/blob/master/README.md) Non-profit association: [integral.tools](https://integral.tools) Contact: [info@commondb.space](mailto:info@commondb.space)